What a time to celebrate life. Young moms actually carrying life in the womb feel bumps and turns as the baby moves and grows. Moms chasing toddlers are wishing for more stamina at night when it’s time to pick up the toys and fold the laundry. Moms who have no children look for opportunities to babysit and help others, and often they are found in the nurseries of churches holding crying babies with compassionate hearts and aching arms.
Motherhood is a gift.
This very first blog is the beginning of my opportunity to share thoughts and scripture and local news with my good friends, our listeners at Choose Life Radio. Welcome aboard, dear friends.
I want to share one thing today. Something we must be aware of. Something John Stonestreet, our guest on the radio, shared with us May 8th on Breakpoint. It is about surrogate mothers providing babies for gay couples, in this case, Anderson Cooper and his homosexual ex-partner.
Stonestreet nails it. It’s a must read. Therefore, I provide you the link right here:
Below I share with you just one powerful paragraph John writes in his commentary on the gift of life.
“We’ve repeatedly pointed out the many ethical problems with surrogacy on BreakPoint: it
assumes “children” are a right that God never promised; it assumes a Gnostic view of human
bodies and relationships; it denies children the opportunity to be raised by their biological
mom and a dad; it treats children as products instead of image-bearers; it poses a significant
risk for women to be exploited financially.”
Christians, we must take responsibility for the devaluing of life in our culture. We must be reminded that we haven’t pushed back on abortion or surrogate mothers providing infants for gay couples. And we must confess standing idle when we have opportunities to share the grace our God has for all of us who sin.
Children are NOT products. They are NOT for sale. They ARE IMAGE-BEARERS.
Welcome to ChooseLifeRadio.com. I welcome your feedback, and I only ask that you respect other readers by not using any offensive language in rebuttals.
For all the babies whose lungs never had that first breath of air, Jill
Scripture to meditate on: The Lord himself watches over you! The Lord stands beside you as your protective shade. The sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon at night. Psalm 121: 5-6
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